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August 5th Proclaimed As "Genocide Awareness Day" In Colorado


06.08.2009 12:50 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Colorado Governor Bill Ritter Jr. joined with the
Colorado Coalition for Genocide Awareness and Action (CCGAA), today,
at a press conference proclaiming August 5th as "Genocide Awareness
Day" in the state, reported the Armenian National Committee of America

"We’re here today to raise awareness that Genocide is a real thing
where real people are affected in traumatic ways and because as part
of the fraternity of man or in solidarity with our fellow human beings
around the globe, we say we can’t tolerate it, that it should not be
part of our world in the twenty first century," said Gov. Ritter. "The
first recognized genocide of the twentieth century took place in
Armenia, with the slaughter of more than a million Armenians, and we
have seen it again and again since. It is imperative that we recognize
what has happened, so we can ensure it will not happen again."

"We salute the efforts of Governor Ritter, the Colorado Coalition for
Genocide Awareness and Action and Colorado’s exceptionally vibrant
Armenian community for their ongoing commitment to ending the cycle
of genocide – through education and action," said ANCA Executive
Director Aram Hamparian. "From standing up against the denial of the
Armenian Genocide to divestment from the genocidal regime in Sudan –
Colorado leaders have proven that each state can play a vital role
in stopping genocide."

Kalantarian Kevo:
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