Categories: News

AAA: Assembly Thanks Senator Wyland For "Genocide Awareness Act"

August 06, 2009
Contact: Michael A. Zachariades
Email: mzachariades@aaainc.org
Phone: (202) 393-3434


San Diego, CA – Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) activists from
San Diego County joined Assembly Western Region Director, Yeghig
Keshishian, for a district meeting with California State Senator Mark
Wyland (R). During the meeting, Keshishian thanked Senator Wyland for
authoring SB 234, the "Genocide Awareness Act," and reiterated the
Assembly’s support for this important human rights legislation.

Assembly member and San Diego activist, Lisa Kradjian, played an
important role in leading the local outreach efforts throughout San
Diego County. Kradjian was contacted personally by Wyland’s office to
assist the Senator in shoring-up grassroots support. "I am happy to see
that the Armenian-American community’s efforts in moving this bill
forward proved successful," Kradjian stated. "I commend Senator Wyland
for his leadership. The Armenian-American community stands by Senator
Mark Wyland, as he continues to carry the torch in advocating for
discussion of human rights abuses and genocide in California

Having first passed the California State Senate, SB 234 was then
introduced in the State Assembly, where the Education Committee voted
unanimously in favor of it in July. It now stands to be heard in the
California State Assembly Appropriations Committee. The bill calls upon
the California Curriculum Commission to include an oral history
component related to genocides as part of its high school curriculum,
including the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923. California pioneered new
education standards by adopting the Model Curriculum for Human Rights
and Genocide, which includes the Armenian Genocide.

Since the Assembly first reported this story in April,
Armenian-Americans throughout the state of California have taken action,
sending letters and making phone calls to key offices on the
Appropriations and Education Committee to garner additional support.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding
and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a 501(c) (3)
tax-exempt membership organization.



Hovhannisian John:
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