Categories: News

Three Factors Of Illegality


15:00:42 – 07/08/2009

Candidate of juridical sciences and a lawyer Hrayr Tovmasyan dwelt on
the question concerning the lack of a legal field and non-observation
of rules in the Armenian society.

Tovmasyan stated that due to the lack of statehood during centuries,
the conception of right disappeared from people’s mind. According
to Tovmasyan, there are three factors, which brought to this
situation. These are national, sovietic and transitional. The national
factor is that people think that nothing depends on them, that they
cannot change anything.

According to Tovmasyan, the Armenian laws may be divided into three
groups. The first group is composed of laws taken from European
countries. The second group is composed of laws adopted for political
populism. And the third are laws adopted by the civil needs.

Armenia needs a professional parliament. But people are not attentive
at electing parliamentary members. This is the reason why casual
people enter in the parliament who cannot fulfill parliamentary
functions. There is no institution, which supports the parliament now,
stated Hrayr Tovmasyan.

Talalian Arpi:
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