Vartanian free on bail from grand-theft charges

Vartanian free on bail from grand-theft charges

The Fresno Bee (Fresno, CA)
Thursday, Aug. 06, 2009

By Pablo Lopez

Fresno businessman Krikor "Kirk" Vartanian is free on $295,000 in bail
in connection with 16 felony charges stemming from his business
dealings at his luxury car dealership, Fresno County Superior Court
records show.

Department of Motor Vehicle investigators, armed with a warrant,
arrested Vartanian at Belana restaurant in Fig Garden on Wednesday
afternoon. After being booked into the Fresno County Jail, he posted
bail and was released around 8 p.m., according to David Balakian, one
of Vartanian’s lawyers.

His arraignment on the grand theft charges is scheduled for Aug. 19.

Vartanian, 40, is accused of selling cars and extended warranties to
more than a dozen customers but not delivering the goods, according to
arrest-warrant documents.

A criminal complaint accuses him of stealing more than $500,000 from
17 customers between March 2007 and November 2008. He also is accused
of stealing from Woodside Credit. His business, Auto Gallery at 61
E. Shaw Avenue, closed this summer.

Before his arrest on Tuesday, Vartanian was free on bail, awaiting a
Sept. 1 preliminary hearing on felony charges stemming from an alleged
assault on his wife in June. He was freed from jail only after posting
bail and agreeing to resolve gambling debts in Las Vegas.

As Fresno businessman Krikor "Kirk" Vartanian was arrested Wednesday
on grand theft charges, court officials released a copy of his arrest
warrant with details of the accusations against him.

Vartanian faces 16 felony charges in connection with business dealings
at his luxury car dealership, the Auto Gallery at 61 E. Shaw Ave. He’s
accused of selling cars and extended warranties to more than a dozen
customers but not delivering the goods — pocketing more than half a
million dollars.

Among the alleged victims is former Fresno State women’s basketball
coach Stacy Johnson-Klein and her husband, Charles. According to
arrest-warrant documents made public Wednesday, the couple paid
Vartanian $225,000 for a Bentley but never received the car — or
their money back.

Vartanian also is accused of selling about a dozen extended warranties
that the customers never received. Investigators say those thefts
amounted to $36,167.

Vartanian closed his north Fresno dealership this summer.

Prosecutors announced the charges Tuesday, and Vartanian had made
arrangements to surrender at Fresno County Jail at 1
p.m. Wednesday. Before he could do that, however, he was handcuffed
about 12:30 p.m. at the Fig Garden restaurant Belana.

His lawyers said the arrest amounted to harassment. The California
Department of Motor Vehicles investigator who arrested Vartanian —
Scott Silva — could not be reached to comment Wednesday.

The arresting officers "said it was miscommunication," said Daniel
Bacon, one of Vartanian’s attorneys. "I would call it a fiasco."

Vartanian was booked into jail on 16 counts of grand theft. He was
expected to post $295,000 bail and be released Wednesday night.

A criminal complaint accuses Vartanian of stealing more than $500,000
from 17 customers between March 2007 and November 2008. He also is
accused of stealing from Woodside Credit.

Bacon and David Balakian, another Vartanian lawyer, said Tuesday that
their client is innocent, and that some of the victims named in the
complaint don’t want to press charges.

"There might be some money owed," Bacon said, "but there’s no validity
to the charges."

Before his arrest, he was free on bail, awaiting a preliminary hearing
on felony charges stemming from an alleged assault on his wife in

He was freed from jail only after posting bail and agreeing to resolve
gambling debts in Las Vegas.

The reporter can be reached at [email protected] or (559) 441-6434.
