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AMAA Awards Scholarships to Needy and Deserving Students

AMAA Awards Scholarships to Needy and Deserving Students

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By Weekly Staff – on August 8, 2009

The chairman of the AMAA Scholarship Committee, Robert Hekemian, Jr.,
recently reported awards totaling $105,000 in direct scholarship
grants to college students for the 2009-10 academic year. This year,
53 students applied and, upon verification of need and academic
qualifications, 51 were awarded scholarships. In addition, $15,000 was
assigned for qualified university students in Armenia and $300,000 to
various institutions of higher learning, including Haigazian
University of Beirut in Lebanon and California State University in

`Words cannot express my appreciation for the support that I receive
from AMAA for my studies at Rutgers University,’ wrote one scholarship
recipient. `Hard work has been part of my college life. AMAA’s
scholarship aid will drive me to do more.’

For over 40 years, AMAA has helped thousands of college students with
scholarships, thus helping them to prepare for the future and
relieving the financial burden that makes it harder to focus on their
work. Many past recipients have returned the favor by helping others
in need.

The scholarships granted this year were provided from the income of
several AMAA endowment funds established over the year, from John and
Sona Abadjian; John and Mary Abrahamian; Rev. Hovhannes Agnerian;
Haigazoun and Angel Andonian; Dr. Robert Nerses Armen; the Aynilian
Family; Vahan and Grace Azadian; Rev. Antranig Bedikian; Tavit and
Sirvart Bogosian; Rev. Dr. Giragos and Yeprouhie Chopourian; Giragos
M. and Helen T. Churukian; Arthur Dadian; Drs. Nazareth and Ani
Darakjian; Dr. Haig Robert Darpinian and Berjouhie Timourian; Hagop
and Esther Dohanian; Armine Ejdaharian/Bilezikian; Dr. Meguerditch
Ejdaharian; Rev. S.K. and G.T. Emurian; Ani Etoyan; Charles Mesrob
Garabedian; Flora and Diane Galoostian; Leon and Matilda Giridlian;
Louise Googooian; Anne (Googooian) Halford; Khacher and Puzant
Guzelimian; Angele Bedrossian Hancock; Martin Hatch Jr.; the Hekemian
Family Trust; Dr. Michael S. Hovenanian; Peter and Sara Hovenanian;
Paul and Arousiag Iskiyan; Martha D. Jedidian; George and Elizabeth
Jerjisian; Karekin Kaboolian; Leo Kaljian; Ohannes and Araxie
Karamanoukian; Alice Odian Kasparian; Kevork H. and Sirvart Kassouny
Kavouksorian; John G. Kazanjian; Jeffrey Kerbeykian; Moses and
Victoria Keshishian; Dr. John Keuhnelian; Lucy Kezlarian/Philipian;
Rev. and Mrs. Dikran and Yester Koundakjian, and Haroutune and Salihe
Berejiklian; Araxie Kouyoumjian Poladian; Hrant, Dolores, and Rosanne
Krikorian; Serge and Ann Krikorian; Prof. Lootfi Levonian; Yervant and
Virginia Levonian; Samuel and Victoria Magzanian; Rahel and Osanna
Makanian; Edward and Helen Mardigian; Albert, Henry, and James
Mouradian; Leon Mouradian; Murad and Yevkin Muradian; Raymond and
Marie Nahigian; Nazareth, Artin, and Yester Nazarian Memorial Fund;
George and Alice Philibosian; the Stephen Philibosian Fund; Altoon and
Sarah Saprichian; Dickran and Flora Sarkisian; Krikor and Anna
Sermabeikian; Berjouhi Sherene; Diran Simpadian; Edward and Hovnan
Tashian; the Telfeyan Evangelical Fund; Ezras and Nellie Tellalian;
Dr. Jirayr and Louise Tezelian

The AMAA was founded in Worcester in 1918 and incorporated in New York
in 1920, with the purpose of strengthening and supporting the Armenian
people in their Christian faith and to encourage religious education
as well as literary and philanthropic work everywhere. Since its
founding, the AMAA has expanded its programs to 23 countries around
the world.

Kanayan Tamar:
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