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BAKU: USA refuse to solve issue of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict

Azerbaijan Business Center
Aug 8 2009

USA refuse to solve issue of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict

Baku, Fineko/abc.az. Hopes on the peaceful settlement of
Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict melting with every
minute. If conducted under an aegis of Russian president Dmitry
Medvedev the process of direct negotiations between Armenian and
Azerbaijani presidents does not produce results, there will be nothing
for Azerbaijan, except for the power redintegration of Nagorno
Karabakh, because the USA refused to solve the problem of this

Matthew Bryza? co-chair of the OSCE Minsk group on the settlement of
Karabakh conflict stated that Armenia should return to Azerbaijan
seven regions, bordering Karabakh and occupied in 1992-1994.

Five regions should be returned immediately, and two ` in time. This
time can last till five years. International peacemaking forces, the
structure of which mainly will be defined by the parties also should
be placed in the area of conflict,’ Ð`.Bryza said.

He does not actually put a question on the terms of returning of
Nagorno Karabakh to the Azerbaijanian statehood.

In accordance with to the Madrid document, safety of population of
Nagorno Karabakha should be provided and temporal status should be
created till conducting of referendum. The parties should find
decision which will be based on three fundamental principles of the
Helsinki Act. It is a right of people of self-determination,
territorial integrity and non-use force», `
Ð`.Ð`Ñай&#x D0;·Ð° said.

According to him, principles of settlement are developed, and renewed
version of document will be presented.to Armenian and Azerbaijani

Earlier Armenia stated that Karabakh had decided its fate and would
not cede an inch of «its land» to Azerbaijan. In his turn,
Azerbaijan ambassador to Russia Polad Bulbuloglu put a question on
forcing of aggressor (Armenia) to peace, if problem of Nagorno
Karabakh not to be solved during negotiations.

Under such conditions, the idea to place peacemakers round Nagorno
Karabakh implies creation of pillow of safety for the aggressor,
Azerbaijan, probably will not consent to it.

The conflict began 20 years ago and the regime of cessation of arms
has operated since May, 1994. As a result of the conflict, Azerbaijan
has lost control over 20% of own territory, and 1 million persons of
non-Armenian nationality (Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Russians and etc) were
driven out from Armenia and occupied Azerbaijani territories.

Chalian Meline:
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