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Iraq electoral commission announces Kurdistan election final results

Kurdistan Satellite TV, Arbil, Iraq
Aug 7 2009

Iraqi electoral commission announces Kurdistan election final results

translated from Sorani Kurdish

Kurdistan Democratic Party-owned Kurdistan Satellite TV broadcast a
live news conference given by Independent High Electoral Commission
(IHEC) officials in Arbil at 1400 gmt on 7 August 2009, announcing the
final results of Kurdistan Region parliamentary and presidential
elections which were held on 25 July.

The IHEC official in charge of elections in Kurdistan Region, Hamdiyah
al-Husayni, said that incumbent Kurdistan Region President Mas’ud
Barzani won the presidential election by 1,266,397 votes; followed by
Kamal Mirawdali who won 460,323 votes; and Halo Ibrahim Ahmad with
63,377 votes.

Regarding parliamentary seats, IHEC member Judge Sardar announced that
the Kurdistani List won 1,076,370 votes and that it will occupy 59
seats out of the 111 seats in the parliament.

Sardar said the results for the other lists were as follows:

– The Change List won 445,024 votes and it will occupy 25 seats in

– the Service and Reform List won 24,842 votes, guaranteeing 13 seats;

– the Islamic Movement in Iraqi Kurdistan won 27,147 votes, winning
two seats;

– the Freedom and Equality List won 15,028 votes, taking one seat in

– the Democratic Turkoman Movement in Kurdistan won 18,464 votes and
three seats;

– the Turkoman Reform List won 7,077 votes and one seat;

– the Arbil Turkomani List won 3,906 votes and one seat;

– the Chaldean Assyrian Popular Council List won 10,595 votes,
guaranteeing three seats;

– the Al-Rafidayn List won 5,690 votes and two seats;

– the Aram Shahin Dawud won 4,198 votes, winning the one seat
allocated to the Armenians’ quota.

Karagyozian Lena:
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