Categories: News

Sunchild In Tsakhkadzor


16:06:46 – 07/08/2009

More than 50 young nature lovers from all marzes of Armenia and
Karabakh gathered together in Tsakhkadzor from July 28th to August
30th to participate in `Sunchild’ summer camp.

`Sunchild’ summer camp is being organized every year by the
‘Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets in
the Republic of Armenia’ (FPWC) together with Armenia’s leading mobile
operator VivaCell-MTS for the members of `Sunchild’ eco-clubs.

This year the organization of the summer camp is also being supported
by GTZ and UNICEF.

>From 10 to 15 years old young people after a year of studies gather
to sum up what they have learned and to get ready for a new school
year through intensive courses of studies.

During the summer camp children learned biodiversity in general and
particularly biodiversity of Tsakhkadzor, learned how to manage hard
domestic waste, assembled an instrument that accumulates solar energy,
went on tours and learned the prospects of eco-tourism development,
listened priest Minas’s Green Theology lessons, and danced national
dances. During journalism and photo/video courses ecological problems
of Tsakhkadzor were revealed and sounded in a film.

On 6th of August children presented the results of their 10 days’ work
in an ecological EXPO, which took place in the House of Writers in
Tsakhkadzor. Guests had the possibility to observe little ecologists’
work in every booth: paper recycling, testing of the instrument which
accumulates solar energy, learned skills of «life», watched a
film and leart to dance.

These children, who came from different villages and cities of
Armenia, have been brought here by the Nature and the danger that all
those good and kind things that surround us may disappear tomorrow by
a slight touch of human hand.

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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