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UAR: Baku Knowingly Torpedo The Peace Talks Over Karabakh


10.08.2009 12:40 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Vice-president of the Union of Armenians of Russia
Gegham Khalatyan commented on the statement by the Ambassador of
Azerbaijan to Russia Polad Bulbuloglu broadcasted by the Russian news
service, in which he threatens to commit aggression against Armenia,
naming it "enforcing Armenia to peace", the statement of the Union
of Armenians of Russia says.

"First of all, I would like to speak of the absurdity of statements
made by Mr. Bulbuloglu. Calling his country to commit aggression
against Nagorno Karabakh, he speaks for some reason about enforcing
Armenia to peace. I understand that this formula is now in fashion,
but it is ridiculous to hear it from a man who calls for war during
peace and speaks about peace enforcement. Elementary logic dictates
that if Azerbaijan attacks, that country would need peace enforcement,"
Gegham Khalatyan said.

According to him, it is strange to hear such bellicose statements from
a man who almost yesterday was part of a large delegation of Russian,
Azerbaijani and Armenian cultural workers, visited Nagorno Karabakh,
Yerevan and Baku with so-called peace mission. Perhaps that is why
such a popular diplomacy does not produce tangible results, since
it is exercised by the people, who like Polad Bulbuloglu harbour a
grudge. This is extreme disappointing".

"One last point on this issue. Unfortunately, Mr. Ambassador is not
alone in expressing such a militant stance. Many other Azerbaijani
officials, led by their president say virtually the same. In this
regard, I should note that these aggressive statements, coupled with
a hatred campaign towards the Armenian people, being cultivated all
these years in Azerbaijan, rule out the atmosphere of trust and exclude
constructive steps to normalize relations between the two peoples. In
fact, they knowingly torpedo the peace talks over Karabakh ", Gegham
Khalatyan said.

Tvankchian Parkev:
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