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Armenia’s 2009 Tourist Numbers Stagnate

Kristine Aghalaryan

20 09/08/12 | 13:24


Today, Mekhak Apresyan, who heads the Tourism and Regional Development
Department at the Ministry of Economics, reported that 207,729 tourist
visited Armenia during the first six months of 2009; a rise of only 1%
over last year.

He said that in 2008 there was an average 20-25% growth in the tourist
sector. "Compared to the international numbers that have experienced
a drop of almost 3 %, Armenia is doing OK but the rates of growth
here have decreased," Mr. Apresyan stated, pointing to the economic
crisis as the main culprit.

Initial forecasts for growth in the tourism sector in 2009 had been
pegged at 7-10%, or around 600,000 foreign visitors. On average,
each tourist spends an average of $800 weekly while in Armenia

Records show that most tourists hail from Russia, Georgia, EU
countries, Iran and the United States.

Most Armenians travel to neighboring countries, Georgia, Turkey and
Bulgaria, for their vacation.

Talalian Arpi:
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