Wimm-Bill-Dann To Continue Share Buyback


Drinks Business Review

Intends to purchase up to 3% more shares

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A Wimm-Bill-Dann board member stated that the company will continue
its share buyback programme by purchasing up to 3% of its shares,
if the market price favours, reported Reuters.

Wimm-Bill-Dann board member Maria Kagan said that the firm does not
have any borrowing plans.

She further added that Wimm-Bill-Dann is planning to launch a dairy
plant in Georgia to cater to consumers in Georgia, Armenia and other
parts of the Caucasus region.

Wimm-Bill-Dann is into dairy products and children’s food in Russia
and also operates in the market for non-alcoholic drinks in Russia
and the CIS. Its brands include: Domik v Derevne (Little House in the
Village), Chudo (Wonder), Vesely Molochnik (Happy Milkman), Imunele
and Lamber. It has more than 35 production facilities in Russia,
Ukraine and Central Asia.