Categories: News

Azerbaijani Hackers Attack Armenian Websites


14:50 / 08/13/2009

There was a group of experts set up to protect Armenian websites from
the cracks of Azerbaijani hackers. 75 specialists and journalists
expressed willingness to be involved in the group, Stepan Aslanyan,
"Smart Systems" Director told journalists today.

Aslanyan supposes that check list should be elaborated and all Armenian
websites should meet its requirements. The outcomes will be tangible
shortly. "There are some Armenian websites that can be cracked even
by a 3-year-old child."

The cracked websites can be restored only by their programmers,
however Aslanyan supposes that the programmers are currently having
rest in Antalia.

The RA Ministry of Economy website was cracked and not yet
restored. According to Smart Systems Director more than 100 websites
are cracked in Armenia by now.

Talalian Arpi:
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