Turkish Nationalism Starts At School-Age


13.08.2009 19:41 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "In terms of perceiving Armenian-Turkish
rapprochement, Turkish society can be divided into 3 parts:
nationalists, who have a negative attitude to border opening,
neutral people, and liberals who positively treat the process,"
Turkish Studies specialist Ruben Melkonyan, expert at Noravank
scientific-research foundation, told today a seminar devoted to
"Armenian-Turkish relations: present and past".

Turkish ideology, according to him, starts from a schoolchild’s
oath. Kemal Ataturks slogan saying "I am proud to be a Turk" reflects
religious and national intolerance, Melkonyan said, adding that
nationalists in present-day Turkish society make up a majority.