Argentinean Armenians Complain To Israeli Ambassador

14:26 / 08/14/2009

Israeli Ambassador to Argentina Daniel Gazit has recently received the
representatives of Armenian National Council (CNA) of South America:
Jorge Dolmadjian, Alfonso Tabakian, and Eduardo Kozanlian in Buenos

The parties discussed the situation in Caucasus and Nagorno-Karabakh
independence issue. CNA is concerned about pressure exerted upon
Armenia by non-regional countries. The Council members consider these
actions arise confusion over the current situation.

Excluding Karabakh from the negotiations was a blunder. Turkey’s
‘pre-conditional’ interference in Armenian-Turkish relations’
normalization only favors the establishment of policy advantageous
for Azerbaijan.

They underlined that Turkey is not a neutral country but Azerbaijan’s
ally in the conflict.

CNA is also concerned about the recent statements of Israeli
President Shimon Peres. He suggested Israeli Diaspora’s (particularly
in U.S.) support to Azerbaijan. CNA members regret about Tel-Aviv
impeding Genocide recognition in every possible way. They especially
outlined Israeli support to Turkey, being a Holocaust victim.

Daniel Gazit answered all questions diplomatically, trying to evade
definite and strong statements.

CNA representative presented the Ambassador with books about Armenian
Genocide and Armenian carpet with Karabakhi ornaments.