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Come Home Program: Second Stage: August 10, 11


Noyan Tapan
Aug 13, 2009

Virap, then Toumanian’s, Charents’ and Parajanov’s museums

The young people participating in the Come Home program of the RA
Ministry of Diaspora visited Khor Virap on August 10. The young
people reached the monastery at the moment when the priest carried
out the ceremony of christening, and the young people do not lose
the possibility to take a photo.

The program participants’ good mood was preserved also on the way from
Khor Virap to Artashat, in the center of the marz of Ararat. A concert
of Armenian songs and dancing was organized on the Ararat Regional
Governor’s initiative, in the yard near the Regional Council. The
Diasporan Armenian young people at once received the invitation to
dance under the sounds of Kochari and Ver-veri (Armenian national
dances). Milena who arrived from Tbilisi surprised with her dancing
in the style of rep. Recitation of the young people arrived from the
Czech Republic and Tbilisi was also impressive.

According to the hayernaysor.am electronic newspaper, August 11 was of
great cognitive meaning for the youth. The day started with the visit
to Hovhannes Toumanian’s museum. Some boyes and girls who were still
not aware of his holiness Armenian poet’s life and works listened
Director Narine Tukhikian’s and guide’s comments with interest. Some
of them stood for a long time in front of the view picturing the
village of Dsegh, some of them looked at the pictures on the walls
where heroes of the great poet’s tales were pictured.

Anna Sahakian from Moscow was especially interested in the room
moved from the Vernatun (Armenian literary study groop, collective
of writers in Tiflis) to Yerevan and kept with the same furnishing,
in the role of the Vernatun in the affair of development of the
Armenian intellectuals and literary life.

At eminent poet Yeghishe Charents’ museum all of the recited in unison
the poem entitled "Yes im anush Hayastani," (For My Sweet Armenia),
got acquainted with other works of the poet which became the soul of
the time, saw the room from the doors of which the policemen took
away and arrested Charents. And the Come Home program participants
uniterruptedly took photos at the Sergei Parajanov’s museum. The
represented 1400 exhibits, collages, pictures, hats, dools a part
of which the famous artist created during the years passed in the
prison, were a real discovery for Narek Aslikian who has arrived from
Moscow. Sorbonne University student, French Armenian Kewin Sevak
Kerteshian was too interested in collages: "I has only known about
Parajanov’s films entitled Colour of Pomegranate and Sayat-Nova, this
museum opened a new world before me," he said and it seemed that new
world was opened for all the participants.

Ekmekjian Janet:
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