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Madrid Principles Contradict To The International Law


14.08.2009 17:14

"Madrid principles contradict to the international law and reduce
the negotiation process to a nonplus," is stated in the message of
Armenian Scientific Union of Moscow. The message consists of eleven
points. It states that the international society has to respect the
choice of NKR people based on international laws and referendums
passed in 1991 and 2006.

The authors of the message persist that the regulation of
Azerbaijani-Karabakhi conflict lasted over 100 year is dragging on.

"Azeri refuses any kind of concession, threatens regularly with war
and deranges the negotiation process," the message states. Members
of Armenian Scientific Union of Moscow think the nonplus in the
negotiations is connected with the fact NKR doesn’t participate in
negotiations in spite of being a legal participant.

The authors are sure "territories for status" is a completely wrong
principle and it won’t’ bring success to the process. "Only the final
recognition of NKR Independence may prevent a new aggression by the
Azerbaijani side. Only in this way we can achieve final reconciliation
between NKR, Azerbaijani and Armenian people".

Nanijanian Alex:
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