National Strategy For Secure Road Traffic Adopted

17:32 13/08/2009

The Government of Armenia has ratified the national strategy of
secure road traffic of Armenia and Yerevan in its today’s meeting. The
Government has also ratified action plan for upcoming five years and
the schedule of events contributing to the security of traffic for
2009, Government’s press service reports.

It is supposed that the figure of road accidents having fatal outcomes
will be reduced in the aftermath of the implementation of the project.

"This document supposes that all the departments should pay serious
attention on it, as the condition of road traffic in Armenia is
far from being successful. We have held parallels with the figures
of international statistics and came to a conclusion that we have
the worst results in this aspect. We overdraw the figure of fatal
outcomes several times compared with other countries. And the basic
reason is that we ignore road traffic guidance," Armenian PM Tigran
Sargsyan said.

PM stressed that the police officers themselves should hold sitting
belts to encourage others to do that. "Holding security belt reduces
the number of deaths several times during the accidents. This is
elementary civil guidance following which we will cut the number of
death and other serious injuries. It’s not shameful to carry belts
but to brag," Tigran Sargsyan said.