Protest Rally Of Opposition Not Take Place In Yerevan – Virtually No


14.08.2009 19:11 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Protest rally scheduled by Armenian National Congress
(ANC) did not take place today since only 10-15 people came to the
rally. PanARMENIAN.Net reporter couldn’t get explanations from the
ANC representatives.

Today the Armenian National Congress announced the restart of the
Friday marches and protests. In particular, ANC issued a statement,
which reads: "While Nicol Pashinyan is in custody, we will do
everything to make his presence felt, and every word uttered reach
all citizens without exception".

The statement also says that young people begin series of Friday
marches and actions initiated by Nikol Pashinyan. "We are aware that
salvation of Armenia depends on a man, and this one is everyone,
we do not yield to any force. Our victory is inevitable. And then 1
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 + … ", – said the ANC statement.

During the last opposition rally on June 12, the first president of
Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan said that the next protest rally will be
held on September 18. He did not rule out that in case of necessity
intermediate rallies can be arranged.

On July 1 one of the most active participants of the March 1, 2008
events, chief editor of "Haykakan Zhamanak" Nikol Pashinyan, being
sought, surrendered to law enforcement authorities. He was arrested
and taken to the Criminal executive agency of the "Yerevan-Kentron"

In February-March of 2008, the Armenian opposition, dissatisfied with
the results of presidential elections of February 19, 2008, headed by
the first Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan organized rallies in
center of Yerevan. Protests degenerated into riots, killing ten people.