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GDP Slump In Armenia


18:30 / 08/17/2009

According to CIS Statistics Committee estimates, the greatest GDP
slump is recorded in Ukraine-20.3% and Armenia-16.3%, compared to
H1 2008. Russia is rated third (13.4%) among CIS countries for GDP
slump and consumer price growth.

Global crisis negatively affected CIS countries due to their
economies’ strongly rely on the world demand, raw stuff export prices,
international credits flow, investments and industrial production
decline, the report reads.

Meanwhile, economy recession lasts in nearly all CIS countries in H1
2009. GDP of CIS countries declined on average for 9%, compared to
H1 2008.

As for inflation rate, Ukraine leads the list of 12 countries with
consumer price increase of 17.6% in H1 2009, Belarus is the second
with 14.6% and Russia is the third-13.1%.

Antonian Lara:
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