16:13:03 – 17/08/2009

Over the past week there has been an unprecedented number of hacking
of Armenian sites by Azerbaijani hackers. It is an offensive on the
Armenian state because mainly government sites were hacked, says
Samvel Martirosyan, expert on information security.

The expert says, it is bad for the image. Some ministries, such as
the ministry of economy, would not admit that their website has been
hacked. It is not a shame when a website is hacked, it is a shame to
hide it and do nothing about it, Samvel Maritirosyan says.

The spokesman said not only the Azerbaijani but also Turkish hackers
attack although it is not always the case. In some cases it may be
a group of Armenian hackers or the Russian special services.

If we consider the world experience, these attacks by Azerbaijan
are like military exercise. Usually before wars the sides first
try to take the so-called information heights. On the one hand,
this is good for Armenia because we also can see the week sides,
Samvel Martirosyan says.
