Categories: News

Armenia Vs Caucasus?

Naira Hairumyan

13:27:48 – 19/08/2009

One of the Russian news agencies notorious for its political
provocations in the post-Soviet space has spread another
provocation. According to the news agency, Armenia may get the
possibility to set up two military bases in Russia to defend
transport and communication routes. The agency has learned this from
an anonymous source from the General Headquarters of the Collective
Security Treaty Organization. The locations are said to be Dagomis
(Krasnodar) and Dagestan.

Let us leave aside from whom the bases will defend communication in
Russia. The only thing to mention here is that if the given provocation
comes true, Russia may reach several aims at once, most importantly
directing the "anti-colonialist" energy of the highlanders against
the Armenians, as it was the case 200, 100 years ago when Russia
sent Armenian soldiers to fight against the peoples fighting against
the expansion of Russia. There are a lot of Armenian place names
in the North Caucasus which Russia settled with Armenians displaced
from different regions of historical Armenia. The highlanders still
remember that their Shamil was defeated and capitulated by the Armenian
soldier. The same is happening now.

Even if this is a trial balloon, Armenia must put an end to such
provocations at the highest level. Because the news agency may go
on to announce that the Armenian military base has caught "highland
insurgents" who threaten their communication route.

One of our noted political scientists has said that Yerevan is lucky
that Ankara does not allow Armenia to be used against Turkey. Yerevan
is unlucky regarding Moscow, Russia uses Armenia at full. And it is
not worthwhile to say what happened with the used ones.

Ekmekjian Janet:
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