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Armenian Botanical Gardens Looking To Blossom

By Tom Vartabedian

Aug 18, 2009

YEREVAN-The Armenian Botanical Gardens and Institute is in dire need
of a make-over.

Once the blossoming rose of Yerevan, today it has wilted through hard
economical times and lack of governmental support.

Where colorful floral arrangements and ecology once stood rests shoddy
grounds. A public park designed to attract tourists lies in arrears. A
research center which served as a vital experimental station looks
like the aftermath of a holocaust zone. Greenhouses and nurseries
remain eyesores with broken windows and shattered glass. Warehouses
are in shambles.

"The government would like nothing better than to see this place
dismantled and turned into a housing development for the rich," said
Gagig Movsesyan. "It deserves better than that. I see it offering a
wealth of opportunity to visitors and ecology students."

A diamond in the rough?

"Absolutely," Movsesyan added. "There’s so much potential for
research, recreation and tourism if only some immediate attention
could be focused here. We have before us the best kept secret in
Yerevan. Instead, we’re hoping to recreate a public spectacle."

With the help of the Armenian Tree Project, volunteers have cleared
out brush and planted trees. That was four years ago. Little has
been accomplished since. Of major consequence is the lack of workable
toilet facilities.

Seventy-five years of venerable history appear ready for burial
unless action is taken quickly. At one time, 150 workers dotted
the landscape. Today, eight are "hoeing" the line, many of them in
advanced age.

A principal project manager has been hired in Areg Gharabegian, who
makes frequent visits from his base in California. The task ahead,
he admits, remains daunting.

"Once you get to that stage of respectability, it may become
self-funding and lead to commercial relationships," said
Gharabegian. "That is our vision. Until then, we have areas of
depressed land waiting to be revitalized. The first impression
shouldn’t necessarily be a bad one."

Despite the decadence, business continues. At one time, this center
supplied most every florist in Yerevan with flowers. There is still a
huge market. You can visit a florist most any time seven days a week
for a bouquet. But you cannot get a good cup of coffee before 10 a.m.

A fast-growing poplar tree project is evident. Only problem is,
getting the government seriously interested in this resource. Armenian
engineers are pitching a hand. Different variations of plant life
continue to remain helpful for physicians and medical researchers.

"The lack of an appropriate heating system has raised problems with the
greenhouse," Movsesyan pointed out. "Ideally, what this place needs
is a major overhaul to become a true botanical center for research,
development and recreation. It used to be a wonder place for families
to gather and children to roam."

According to Gharabegian, the sum of $250,000 in American currency
could return this place to an arena of respectability.

"A lot of it is cosmetic work," he adds. "Then there’s the issue of
properly sustaining it. This represents the growth of Armenia and
we aim to cultivate it to its fullest potential. Beneath this soil
stands a lot of energy and sweat. We cannot lose sight of that."

How the Garden Grows

The Botanical Garden of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences was
founded in 1935 in Yerevan and quickly opened branches in Vanadsor
and Sevan.

As any botanical gardens are supposed to be, they were founded as
scientific institutions – centers of ecological education and training
whose main goal is the introduction of highly ornamental plant species.

Botanical gardens also serve as indispensable recreational resources
for the local population.

The Yerevan Garden lies in the northeast part of the capital with an
institute for learning. Thanks to the efforts of a small young staff
and prominent Armenian botanists, many plantations have appeared over
the years that remain the core.

Of particular interest is the successful planting of numerous trees
and shrubs whose natural growth conditions differ considerably from
the local variety.

During its 75 years, the Yerevan gardens and its two other counterparts
have introduced a wealth of landscaping to Armenia that have
contributed to the economic well-being of the country.

One of its important goals is the creation of rare and endangered
plants (there are nearly 400 endangered species in Armenia), along
with the dissemination of botanical knowledge and ecological education.

Hardships brought by the conjuncture after the collapse of the Soviet
Union made its impact on this important resource. An energy crisis
caused a considerable decrease in the amount of introduced plants
and different floral collections.

These days, specialists remain on the grounds, trying to restore the
gardens to their once-prominent stage. Lack of funds and governmental
support has made the rehabilitation process a challenging one.

With unbridled optimism, there remains hope the Botanical Garden
will recover its position as a leading institution in the Southern
Caucasian region.

Zakarian Garnik:
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