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Baku Thinks Little Of OSCE Co-Chairs


16:16 / 08/19/2009

Azerbaijan wishes any new OSCE MG Co-Chair would make all efforts "to
restore justice and ensure the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan",
Elnur Aslanov, the Head of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration
Political Analysis and Dataware Department, told Trend News August 19.

According to Aslanov, Russian and U.S. MG Co-Chairs will be replaced
this year, though this fact should be little thought of, as this
change is "a technical issue, because the rotation of personnel
concerns all areas."

"One cannot remember the names of all OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. In
any case, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs are exponents of wills of the
state that are involved in resolving the conflict. At the same time,
the Minsk Group co-chairs are the people that can say their word
in determining the policies of their states," Aslanov said, adding
that any new mediator would continue scheduled agenda. "Therefore,
the replacement of the Co-Chairs should be considered in the context
of job rotation, and no more," he concluded.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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