Moscow Hosts Exhibition Titled "National Gene Test. Quotations"


20.08.2009 18:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ An exhibition titled "National Gene Test. Quotations"
opened yesterday in Moscow. That’s the third project within the
frameworks of "One Sixth Plus" program, Alexander Kalugin, Head
of Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation, reported to

Exhibition displays photographs and films by artists from Azerbaijan,
Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia,
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Armenia is represented by director
Mariam Ohanyan and a photograph from Delusional Insanity.

The event aims at introducing the distinguishing features and formal
peculiarities of national schools, based on separate examples embodied
by spatial and temporal images.

"A man born in the north will differ from an inhabitant of south. From
early childhood, they see a different kind of landscape and sunshine
and hear conversation in different languages. They don’t even have
identical blood temperature. All that contributes to the formation
of views which a person sticks to all his life regardless the place
of his residence," exhibition manager Oleg Arnautov said.

The project is a curatorial research into the problems of human
perception on post-Soviet area and the tendencies of territorial
demarcation based on ethnic background.