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Rev. Fr. Garen Gdanian Honored For 60 Years In The Priesthood

by Joyce Kenosian

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Wednesday August 19, 2009

Watervliet, N.Y. – Sunday, May 17, was a special day at St. Peter
Armenian Church. It was a day to honor beloved Pastor Emeritus
Fr. Garen Gdanian for his 60 years of service in the priesthood.

The parish welcomed Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian of the Diocese of the
Armenian Church of America (Eastern) as guest celebrant and homilist
for the Divine Liturgy that morning. Yeghishe Srpazan is a friend
and former seminary classmate of Der Garen.

Following services, nearly 200 parishioners, friends and well-wishers
gathered in the Gdanian Auditorium for a celebratory dinner and
program. Master of Ceremonies Paul DerOhannesian welcomed everyone
and offered a special toast for the honored guest.

Congratulatory notes and letters were read aloud, including messages
from Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, Archbishop Khajag
Barsamian, Primate of Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
(Eastern), Very Rev. Fr. Haigazoun Najarian, Vicar General, former
Rep. Michael McNulty, City of Troy Mayor Harry J. Tutunjian, and
several others.

Archbishop Gizirian spoke of his longstanding friendship with
Der Garen, recalling their experiences as seminary classmates. The
former pastor of St. Peter Armenian Church, Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian,
recalled the warm welcome he and his wife Paulette had received from
Der Garen and his wife Zabelle when he began his first pastorate. Der
Garen’s support and guidance was invaluable to him as a newly ordained
priest, said Der Stepanos, adding that he regards Der Garen as his
"spiritual father."

The current pastor, Fr. Bedros Kadehjian, noted his family’s
longstanding relationship with Der Garen, dating back to his pastorate
at St. Gregory the Illuminator in New York City, when Der Bedros’s
father was Der Garen’s secretary.

Parish Council chairperson Richard Hartunian and Mr. DerOhannesian
spoke for many attendees as they recalled Der Garen’s significant
role in their individual and family lives. Both men were boys when
Der Garen became the parish priest and they grew up in the church
during the 19 years of his pastorate.

There were several musical and dance presentations during the
program. Armenian School students, under the direction of Dr. Ara
Kayayan, sang "Govgasi Katcher" and "Kahoojan Asger" in their youthful
voices, followed by a piano solo by Nora Derian.

The Sipan Dance Group, directed by Garo and Maria Derian, performed
"Hovivi Yeraz" (Shepherd’s dream) and "Harsanegan Bar" (Wedding
dance). The audience also enjoyed two vocal solos: "Vartu" by Ovsanna
Mooradian, a longtime member of the St. Peter Church Choir, and
"Geroong" by Sylvia Kutchukian, a prominent soprano of the Capital

The honored guest expressed his appreciation for all the kind words
that had been said about him. Taking no credit for himself, Fr. Garen
declared that he had been led into and throughout his priesthood by
the hand of the Lord opening the way for him.

Growing up in Aleppo, Syria, Der Garen said he had had no early thought
of becoming a priest but was given the opportunity to study at the
Jerusalem Seminary and later at the Antelias Seminary. Archbishop
Tiran Nersoyan, who later ordained him, made it possible for Der
Garen to come to the United States for further study.

Der Garen added that he definitely had not wanted to become a celibate
priest and found his lovely wife Zabelle in Lowell, Mass.

Since his retirement in 1989, Der Garen has maintained his home
in the area and even obtained a burial lot in the Albany Rural
Cemetery. He continues to serve the Armenian Church when and where
needed, especially as a visiting priest.

Dr. Aristakes Kachadourian brought greetings from St. Gregory the
Illluminator of Binghamton, N.Y., expressing the gratitude, love,
and respect which that parish has for Der Garen.

After Archbishop Gizirian’s benediction, attendees came forward to
extend their personal greetings and good wishes to Der Garen and
Yn. Zabelle.

To date, more than $8,000 has been contributed to the St. Peter
Armenian Church Building Fund in honor of the beloved pastor emeritus.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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