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Action plan of National road safety to bring $35 mln to Armenia

Armenian deputy minister of transport and communication: Implementation
of action plan of National road safety strategy to bring $35 mln to
Armenia within the next 5 years

2009-08-21 17:32:00

ArmInfo. Implementation of the action plan of the National road safety
strategy will bring $35 mln to Armenia within the next 5 years,
Armenian Deputy Minister of Transport and Communication Hrant Beglaryan
told journalists, Friday. The road safety strategy and the 5-year
action plan were adopted during August 13 sitting of the Armenian
government. The total value of measures
envisaged by the action plan is $10 mln. The deputy minister pointed
out that according to the methods of calculation of economic losses
from road traffic accidents worked out for Armenia by SWECO
International (Sweden) in 2003, annual losses from fatal crashes make
up 6 – 7,5 bln AMD, those from road accidents with bad injuries – 14,4
– 231,7 bln AMD, with slight injuries – 0,7 -1 bln AMD.

Thus, the total volume of losses is about 1% of GDP, including
healthcare expenses, performance loop, and in case of death – reduction
of a family incomes (especially if he is the bead earner). , –
Beglaryan said. He recalled that 2202 road traffic accidents happened
in Armenia in 2008, as a result of which 407 people died and 3125 were

The training events among the population are envisaged to be held
within the frames of the actions programme of the strategy, including
drivers and pedestrians.

Kharatian Ani:
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