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Klinsky Armenian community sues local weekly


Klinsky Armenian community sues local weekly
13:00 / 08/22/2009

At the request of Armenian community of Russian Klinsky metropolitan
region, criminal proceedings were instituted against `Soglasiye i
Pravda’ (`Consent and Truth’) weekly for its extremist articles aimed
at stirring up the hatred or enmity, as well as on ethnical, racial
and social disparagement, Analitika.ua reports.
Numerous verifications by the local Prosecutor’s office proved the
claimants arguments to be true. The weekly indeed published and
distributed articles `Dangerous Neighborhood’, `We are assassinated’,
`Illegal Immigrants in Klin’ and `Who Smuggles Heroin in Klin’ dated
November 6 – December 11, 2008.
In addition, Klinsky Prosecutor instituted criminal proceedings and
expedited the case to the Federal Court pleading to admit the above
mentioned editions of `Soglasiye i Pravda’ extremist and seize them.

Antonian Lara:
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