Armenia : Iran to Supply Oil to Armenia

August 21, 2009 Friday

Armenia : Iran to Supply Oil to Armenia

The Tabriz, Iran-based National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution
Company Shahriar will supply its products to Armenia, as well as
several Central Asian and Caucasus countries, NIORDC representative
Syed Hassan Kasem-Zadeh said Wednesday in an interview with the Mehr
news agency.

Upon the completion of a new refinery in Tabriz, the necessary
conditions for the product s export to Central Asian and Caucasian
countries, including Armenia will be created. Shahriar oil products
will conform with Euro 5 environmental standards, added Kasem-Zadeh.

This year Armenia and Iran have launched the construction of a
Tabriz-Yeraskh oil pipeline to supply Armenia with Iranian oil
products. The project will supply fuel and diesel oil to Armenia,
which consumes an estimated 450,000 to 500,000 tons of oil products a