Over 100 Armenian websites attacked by hackers

Public Television of Armenia
Aug 17 2009

Over 100 Armenian websites attacked by hackers

[Presenter] Fresh massive attacks were launched on Armenian websites
today. By midday today it was reported that hackers had attacked the
websites of the [Armenian] Football Federation and BTA Bank. But now
it has become known that they hacked into the websites of over 100
major organizations in Armenia. The attackers present themselves as
Iraqi hackers who claim that they are the best in the world. According
to another version, they are Azerbaijani hackers.

[Correspondent] Hackers started attacking the websites of some of our
ministries today. The websites of the ministries of agriculture and
environmental protection asked its visitors to visit the websites
later. But the website of the Ministry of Urban Development infected
computers with a virus on opening. Experts are confident that the
hackers are Azerbaijanis.