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BAKU: War On Wikipedia Pages Goes On: Azerbaijan Vs. Armenia


Aug 24 2009

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, is very popular around the world. But
the errors or deliberate distortions of many articles related to
Azerbaijan, especially the Karabakh conflict, have become frequent.

Many of us is aware that Wikipedia is an open encyclopedic online
resource which contains all kinds of information and the continuously
expanding articles on various subjects.

Day.Az continue to receive letters every day which note regular errors
in Wikipedia.

Information about Azerbaijan is frequently deliberately distorted.

It is very easy to recognize mistakes. For example, anyone who types
‘Armenia’, ‘Karabakh’, ‘Artsakh’, ‘Karabakh ‘conflict in the Wikipedia
search box, will see deliberate errors about Azerbaijan’s history,
traditions and Karabakh conflict.

For example, typing the word ‘Armenia’, visitors will see the following
information: "Armenia is a state in the Caucasus. It borders with
Artsakh in the south-east." Once you type ‘Karabakh conflict’, the
page, among other false information about the conflict, includes
also the following inscription: "The territory of Nagorno-Karabakh
was within the province of Artsakh in ancient times."

If you write the word ‘Artsakh’ you will read the following:
"Artsakh is the name of 9th province of Greater Armenia (historical
region between the rivers Kura and Aras). It covers present-day
Nagorno-Karabakh and the outlying regions."

One can encounter dozens of similar mistakes in Wikipedia.

In fact, there is no information war on Wikipedia pages. Admittedly,
many drive necessary information from the free encyclopedia. Armenians
also, being aware of this, refer to sources profitable for them and
misinform the international community.

We call on all Azerbaijani citizens and those who are aware of
the truth to correct the mistakes related to Azerbaijan’s history,
geography, Karabakh conflict and traditions.

It is noticeable that thank to efforts by Day.Az and its readers,
Mehaphone, MTC, National geographic, Mail.ru and other famous companies
have corrected mistakes concerning Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

Experience shows that errors are corrected. The main thing is to act!

Jidarian Alex:
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