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The Only Path Leading To Normalization


05:05 pm | August 24, 2009


The Social Democratic Henchak Party (SDHK) announces that along
with a number of social issues the Party is concerned about national
problems. The SDHK issued a statement on August 24 which runs:

Some issues demand an immediate solution.

1. In particular, we focus on the Artsakh conflict.

The interpretation of the Madrid Principles implies that the document
conveys anti-Armenian provisions and cannot lead to a fair settlement
of the Karabakh conflict; hence it inadmissible for us.

The illegitimate regime executing the orders of outer forces should
stop its illegal steps; otherwise it will lead the country to
a deadlock.

The liberated territories are an indispensible part of our historic
country and cannot be bargained about.

2. The SDHK is also concerned over Armenian-Turkish relations. The
disputed road-map humbling our dignity and harming our national
security is a real trap for Armenia. The Party is convinced that the
recognition of the Armenian Genocide is the only path leading to the
normalization of Armenian -Turkish relations.

The Party finds that Turkey is to think over the frontier reopening
the way it closed the border. The SDHK thinks that Armenia is not
ready for the frontier reopening.

"Only in democratic countries can social and national issues find
solutions. Firstly, we should establish democracy in Armenia which is a
cornerstone for a party. Guided with this belief, the Social Democratic
Henchak Party has affiliated itself with the Armenian National Congress
which takes every effort to disband this authoritarian regime. Only
a just and fair footing with other parties will enable the Party to
convey its ideas and principles to people."

Maghakian Mike:
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