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Armenian PM Meets Representatives Of "Miasin" Youth Movement In Seva


August 26, 2009

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan met today with the
representatives of the "Miasin" ("Together") Youth Movement encamped
on the shore of Lake Sevan.

The prime minister spoke with them about different economic issues,
answered their questions. The young people were mainly interested
in the essence of the global financial-economic crisis, its causes,
further pace and consequences.

The prime minister said that the young people must seriously think
about their future and how they will live in 10-20 years. Each of
them must be able to program his/her future, disclose own skills,
understand main principle of world perception, main values.

The contemporary world is subjected to quick changes and a question
arises what the important basic thing is to be devoted to. In the
discussion of this theme, the prime minister suggested his own
formula: the basic process in post-industrial society is mental
activity, production of new knowledge which is necessary for ensuring
welfare. Knowledge becomes out of date very quickly and there is an
incessant need of acquiring new one.

"In the contemporary world, for which you must be ready, you are
condemned to learn, otherwise you will not be competitive. You must
work with new knowledge and form self thinking abilities. This is
number one issue in the society and education system," he said.

As to the crisis, Tigran Sargsyan said the economists explain it in
two ways – according to the first one the years of economic growth
must be followed by decline and it is of cyclic nature: in these
conditions governments start carrying out extending policy. According
to the second one, it is not a regular cyclic crisis but formation of
new world where the main basic processes give place to the new ones,
and the formation of new is naturally passing not very smooth.

The prime minister noted that among different definitions of the
crisis the Chinese one is the most interesting – it consists of two
hieroglyphs which mean danger and opportunity. Tigran Sargsyan noted
that even this dangerous situation brings with it new opportunities.

The prime minister also discussed with the young people economic
issues, initiatives of the movement and expressed readiness to support
them in their further activity.

Boshkezenian Garik:
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