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BAKU: Armenian Authorities With Lost Credibility Often Act As Brave


Aug 28 2009

"Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s statement is meant for a domestic
market rather than to influence negotiations," Azerbaijani parliament’s
security and defense committee deputy chair Aydin Mirzazade said
commenting Armenian president’s statement about Armenian army’s
increased military efficiency and constant improvements in country’s
armed forces.

During a working meeting in the Defense Ministry, Armenian president
said "Armenia’s political leadership has a confident and dignified
position in the negotiating process, as such opportunities are
provided by country’s army, established structure of Armenia",
PanARMENIAN.Net reported.

"Serzh Sargsyan is well aware of the state of the Armenian army. He
knows that the morale of the army is very low. Corruption, military
hazing is rife in the army. The equipment is old, combat readiness
is low and there are no any new weapons or NATO standards. Armenian
soldiers’ crossing border to Azerbaijan in large numbers shows
lamentable condition of the Armenian army," Mirzazade said.

"The talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia are about withdrawal of
Armenian forces from occupied Azerbaijani territories, Armenia’s
recognition of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, and I think we
will witness precisely this result," he said.

"With regard to Armenia’s new Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian, I think
he can only attack unarmed people, destroy women, elderly people and
children as he did as a head of the 366th regiment which attacked
Khojaly on February 25 to 26, 1992. I think Ohanian’s shoulder straps
figure not stars, but blood of Azerbaijani civilians with which he
stained himself," Mirzazade said.

In an interview with Armenian Public Television, country’s Defense
Minister Seyran Ohanian stated that "the Armenian army is ready to
confront any aggression."

The minister also said Armenia is ready to not only defend, but
if necessary, to carry out various preventive measures. Asked to
clarify whether it is offensive the defense minister said: "Why not –
offensive, counteroffensive. In order to protect civilians from the
cruelty of war, Armenia has no alternative," ArmToday Info reported.

Mirzazade said Armenian army’s battle readiness is out of question.

"Azerbaijan is not a supporter of bloodshed. We support resolving
the conflict peacefully. But if hostilities between Azerbaijan and
Armenia erupt, Ohanian will be able to feel power of the Azerbaijani
army for a short time frame," he noted.

"I think that this kind of populist speeches has recently become very
frequent by Armenian officials. Losing credibility in Armenia, barely
clinging to power, with no accomplishments, no economic or political,
they often act as a brave soldier. I think that not only Azerbaijan,
but also entire international community knows in what a lamentable
state Armenian authorities are," he said.

Hambardsumian Paul:
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