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European Electoral Conference In Yerevan


Aug 28 2009

On September 3-5 in Yerevan will take place the annual 18th conference
of the association of the European Electoral authorities called "Court
Defense of Electoral Rights", – today during the conference Garegin
Azaryan, the RA Chair of the Central Electoral Commission, informed.

According to the speaker around 150 representatives of different
international organizations of 30 countries will participate in
the conference.

"In the frameworks of the conference discussions on "the role of the
courts in electoral processes", "the mechanisms of resuming the active
electoral rights and court defenses", "the international experience
of using sociology in electoral processes" will be held", – mentioned
the Chair of the Central Electoral Commission adding that there will
be organized an exhibition of electoral equipments and services during
those days.

The organizers of the conference are the Central Electoral Commission
and the Association of the European Electoral Authorities, by the
support of the OSCE Yerevan office and the Yerevan branch of the

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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