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New developments in Vayots Dzor

Aysor, Armenia
Aug 29 2009

New developments in Vayots Dzor

`Armproject’ open joint-stock company by the decision of the RA
Government and the RA Town Building Ministry has carried out a project
of planning of Vayots Dzor region, the main aim of which is organizing
the exact expansive ` economic functioning, solving the problems of
regional architectural-lay out structure’s and functional zoning.

As the Aysor.am was told by the manager of the `Armproject’ company
Nune Petrosyan in the project are taken into consideration the
conjoint principles of the regional planning. A great strategic
significance and importance is attached to the development of various
types of tourism, as a stimulus for developing the economy, as this
sphere is one of the most dynamically developing one in the
international services.

`Cooperation and development of all the fields of the economy is
excepted, as well as development of forest economy’, – mentioned
N. Petrosyan.

In the project the issues of the tourism development program devoted
to the process of turning Jermuk into a resort and a winter tourism
center were included. Suggestions were made to realize the project
proportionally and to take into account the social, cultural, economic
and surrender protection needs of the inhabitants and tourists.

Yesterday hearings of the `Lay out project of Vayots Dzor region’
project were held in the regional council.
As to N. Petrosyan very active discussions were held by all the
representatives of the communities, mayors, architects, regional
governors, local institutions, social organizations.

The project was estimated positively taking into account all the
offers. Now the project is to be reconsidered, tested, discussed in
the ministries interested and by the end of the year be confirmed.

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