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Putting Seatbelts Will Soon Be Usual


Aug 31 2009

The drivers of the means of passenger transportations should also put
seatbelts. Simply for years it was not obliged and they have taken it
out. Now some time is given till the first of October for acquiring
seatbelts and tying them, said today the head of the traffic police
Margar Ohanyan.

According to him it is impossible to stop the means of passenger
transportation in one day and to make record.

"Our first duty is to provide the passengers with transportation,
for this reason some time was given for the minibuses not to be
stopped every now and then", – Ohanyan said.

He also tried to disappoint all those "who have set around the table
and decided not to tie up the seatbelts".

"Everybody is going to tie up. All of us will do that. Sooner they do
that, sooner they forget about that complex. There will not be a single
person who will not use it", – the head of the traffic police assured.

Putting the seatbelts is one of the stages of the traffic police’s
strategies. Ohanyan is sure that putting the safety belts too will
become a usual thing as he thinks that the word "safety belt" by
itself prompts us that it is for their own safety.

"There is no way to go back, we all tie them up. It’s a question of
time only. We will force them as sanctions will be used", – Margar
Ohanyan mentioned.

"Don’t think that we will punish once in the day the drivers who do
not put the safety belts", – mentioned the head of the traffic police
M. Ohanyan.

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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