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Armenia And Turkey Agree To Start Internal Political Consultations


Sep 1, 2009

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS: The Republic of Armenia and the
Republic of Turkey have agreed to start their internal political
consultations on the two protocols – the "Protocol on the establishment
of diplomatic relations" and the "Protocol on the development of
bilateral relations" – which have been initiated in the course of
their efforts under Swiss mediation.

The two Protocols provide for a framework for the normalization of
their bilateral relations within a reasonable timeframe. The political
consultations will be completed within six weeks, following which
the two Protocols will be signed and submitted to the respective
Parliaments for the ratification on each side. Both sides will make
their best efforts for the timely progression of the ratification in
line with their constitutional and legal procedures.

The normalization of bilateral relations will contribute to the
regional peace and stability. The Republic of Armenia and the Republic
of Turkey are committed are pursuing their joint efforts with the
assistance of Switzerland.

Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the
Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey

The Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey, Desiring
to establish good neighbourly relations and to develop bilateral
cooperation in the political, economic, cultural and other fields for
the benefit of their peoples, as envisaged in the Protocol on the
development of relations signed at the same day, Referring to the
obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, the Helsinki
Final Act, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, Reconfirming
their commitment in their bilateral and international relations,
to respect and ensure respect for the principles of equality,
sovereignty, non-intervention in internal affairs of other states,
territorial integrity and inviolability of frontiers, Bearing in mind
the importance of the creation and maintenance of an atmosphere of trus
ntries that will contribute to the strengthening of peace, security and
stability of the whole region, as well as being determined to refrain
from the threat or the use of force, to promote the peaceful settlement
of disputes, and to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Confirming the mutual recognition of the existing border between the
two countries as defined the relevant treaties of international law,
Emphasizing their decision to open the common border, Reiterating
their commitment to refrain from pursuing any policy incompatible
with the spirit of good neighbourly relations, Condemning all forms of
terrorism, violence and extremism irrespective of their cause, pledging
to refrain from encouraging and tolerating such acts and to cooperate
in combating against them, Affirming the willingness to chart a new
pattern and course for their relations on the basis of common interest,
goodwill and in pursuit of peace, mutual understanding and harmony,
Agree to establish diplomatic relations as of the date of the entry
into force of this Protocol in accordance with the Vienna Convention on
Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and to exchange Diplomatic Missions. This
Protocol and the Protocol on the Development of Bilateral Relations
between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey shall enter
into force on the same day, i.e. on the first day of the first month
following the exchange of the instruments of ratification.

Protocol on Development of Relations between the Republic of Armenia
and the Republic of Turkey

The Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey, Guided by the
Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the
Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey signed on the same day,
Considering the perspectives of developing their bilateral relations,
based on confidence and respect to their mutual interests, Determining
to develop and enhance their bilateral relations, in the political,
economic, energy, transport, scientific, technical, cultural issues and
other fields, based on common interests of both countries, Supporting
the promotion of the cooperation between the two countries in the
inte pecially within the framework of the UN, the OSCE, the Council
of Europe, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership and the BSEC, Taking into
account the common purpose of both States to cooperate for enhancing
regional stability and security for ensuring the democratic and
sustainable development of the region, Reiterating their commitment
to the peaceful settlement of regional and international disputes and
conflicts on the basis of the norms and principles of international
law, Reaffirming their readiness to actively support the actions of
the international community in addressing common security threats
to the region and world security and stability, such as terrorism,
transnational organized crimes, illicit trafficking of drugs and arms,
1. Agree to open the common border within 2 months after the entry
into force of this Protocol, 2. Agree to conduct regular political
consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two
countries; implement a dialogue on the historical dimension with the
aim to restore mutual confidence between the two nations, including
an impartial scientific examination of the historical records and
archives to define existing problems and formulate recommendations;
make the best possible use of existing transport, communications
and energy infrastructure and networks between the two countries,
and to undertake measures in this regard; develop the bilateral legal
framework in order to foster cooperation between the two countries;
cooperate in the fields of science and education by encouraging
relations between the appropriate institutions as well as promoting
the exchange of specialists and students, and act with the aim of
preserving the cultural heritage of both sides and launching common
cultural projects; establish consular cooperation in accordance
with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963 in order
to provide necessary assistance and protection to the citizens of
the two countries; take concrete measures in order to develop trade,
tourism and economic cooperation between the two countries; engage
in a dialogue and reinforce their cooperation on environmental issues.

3. Agree on the establishment of an intergovernmental bilateral
commission which shall compromise separate sub-commissions for the
prompt implementation of the commitments mentioned in operational
paragraph 2 above in this Protocol. To prepare the working modalities
of the intergovernmental commission and its sub-commissions, a
working group headed by the two Ministers of Foreign Affairs shall
be created 2 months after the day following the entry into force of
this Protocol. Within 3 months after the entry into force of this
Protocol, these modalities shall be approved at ministerial level. The
intergovernmental commission shall meet for the first time immediately
after the adoption of the said modalities. The sub-commissions shall
start their work at the latest 1 month thereafter and they shall work
continuously until the completion of their mandates. Where appropriate,
international experts shall take part in the sub-commissions. The
timetable and elements agreed by both sides for the implementation
of this Protocol are mentioned in the annexed document, which is an
integral part of this Protocol.

This Protocol and the Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic
Relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of
Turkey shall enter into force on the same day, i.e. on the first
day of the first month following the exchange of instruments of
ratification. Signed in (place) on (date) in Armenian, Turkish and
English authentic copies in duplicate. In case of divergence of
interpretation, the English text shall prevail. For the Republic of
Armenia For the Republic of Turkey Timetable and elements for the
implementation of the Protocol on development of relations between
the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey.

Steps to be undertaken Timing 1. to open the common border within 2
month after the entry into force of the Protocol on the development of
relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey
2. to establish a working group headed by the two Ministers of Foreign
Affairs to prepare the working modalities of the intergovernmental
commission and its subcommisions, 2 month after the day following
the entry into force of the Protocol on the development of relations
between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey 3. to
approve the working modalities of the intergovernmental commission
and its subcommissions at the ministerial level Within three month
after the entry into force of the Protocol on the development
of relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of
Turkey 4. to organize the first meeting of the intergovernmental
commission Immediately after the adoption of the working modalities
of the intergovernmental commission and its subcommissions at the
ministerial level 5. to operate the following subcommissions: –
the subcommission on political consultations – the subcommission on
transport, communications and energy infrastructure and networks, –
the subcommission ssion on science and education, – the subcommission
on trade, tourism and economic cooperation, – the subcommission on
environmental issues, – the subcommission on the historical dimension
to implement dialogue with the aim to restore mutual confidence
between the two nations including an impartial scientific examination
of the historical records and archives to define existing problems and
formulate recommendations in which Armenian, Turkish as well as Swiss
and other international experts shall take part at the latest 1 month
after the first meeting of the intergovernmental commission Timetable
and elements for the implementation of the Protocol on development of
relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey.

Steps to be undertaken 1. to open the common border


within 2 month after the entry into force of the Protocol on the
development of relations between the Republic of Armenia and the
Republic of Turkey 2. to establish a working group headed by the two
Ministers of Foreign Affairs to prepare the working modalities of
the intergovernmental commission and its subcommisions,


2 month after the day following the entry into force of the Protocol
on the development of relations between the Republic of Armenia
and the Republic of Turkey 3. to approve the working modalities
of the intergovernmental commission and its subcommissions at the
ministerial level


Within three month after the entry into force of the Protocol on
the development of relations between the Republic of Armenia and
the Republic of Turkey 4. to organize the first meeting of the
intergovernmental commission


Immediately after the adoption of the working modalities of
the intergovernmental commission and its subcommissions at the
ministerial level 5. to operate the following subcommissions: –
the subcommission on political consultations – the subcommission on
transport, communications and energy infrastructure and networks, –
the su ucation, – the subcommission on trade, tourism and economic
cooperation, – the subcommission on environmental issues, – the
subcommission on thehistorical dimension to implement dialogue with
the aim to restore mutual confidence between the two nations including
an impartial scientific examination of the historical records and
archives to define existing problems and formulate recommendations
in which Armenian, Turkish as well as Swiss and other international
experts shall take part

Timing at the latest 1 month after the first meeting of the
intergovernmental commission

Kanayan Tamar:
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