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Government Does Not Mind Verifying The Authenticity

Naira Hayrumyan

17:49:08 – 31/08/2009

The Armenian Prime Minister, Tigran Sargsyan has repeatedly recognized
that the greatest evil for the Armenian economy, and hence for the
state, is the major business, which does not wish to come "out of the
shadows". And in times of crisis the behavior of the major business
has become even more cynical, while reducing turnover by just 1%,
the tax collection from large enterprises decreased by 25%.

The point that we should free from big enterprisers or, in other words,
the oligarchs, assert all the time the European and American partners,
the international financial organizations hint, as well as the home
opposition. So, at a time when there are no elections, the oligarchs
indeed become a headache for the authorities. Moreover, they know too
much about the election. So, no one, except the oligarchs will be sad
if suddenly someone of them will start to roll the barrel "from above".

And such an occasion presented itself. The opposition gave into the
hands of government a paper, which clearly shows that on March 1,
the underlings of the oligarchs included in the "list" took part
in the events of March 1. The prosecutor’s Office issued a not very
convincing rebuttal, without requiring other evidence. The supporters
of the oligarchs outraged. And the top government did not respond,
moreover, it did not resist to the request to verify the authenticity
of the document.

It is possible that the verification will prove that the document
is authentic, and then nothing will be left, but to call for
responsibility those present in the list. This does not threaten the
government, the signature of the present government is not present
under the document.

Torgomian Varazdat:
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