"Let Me Hug You"


07:53 pm | August 31, 2009


A group of youngsters today proposed free hugs at Yerevan’s Republican

Passers-by either pushed them away or obeyed them reluctantly.

A middle-aged street saleswoman got angree with a girl trying to hug
her in the street. "What an awkwardness! Don’t you have any other
business? Go away! Let me alone!" shouted the woman

One of the movement participants, 19-year-old Tatev told A1+ that they
were trying to arouse laughter and delight among people for them to
look happy and kind.

Tatev says they have no sponsors and are not affiliated with any
organisation. She organised the action with her friend Sam.

The Free Hugs Campaign is a social movement involving individuals
who offer hugs to strangers in public places. The campaign in its
present form was started in 2004 by an Australian.

Today one could read on posters: "Let me hug you," "Free hugs,"
"Let’s hug each other". The participants of today’s movement marched
through Abovyan street approaching and hugging passers-by.

"We simply want to say that there nothing strange in hugging. We should
try to get rid of the complex and lead an easy life," says Tatev.
