Let Them Free Citizens

Yeghisheh Metsarents

14:53:47 – 31/08/2009

The Russian national TV channels showed Dimitri Medvedev in a fishing
boat struggling against poachers when he let the fish go from the
net. It is difficult to imagine a more heroic scene. Surprisingly,
the fish was very modest and did not jump into the boat to thank the
president. Moreover, the fish could have refused freedom and stated
ready to be killed for the table of such a president because it is
an honor. In this case, the propaganda would be perfect.

However, as long as there is the Russian president, propaganda
will be carried on and improved and one day we will see him hug the
fish. In Armenia, there are people who follow the Russian president’s
propaganda. This was common when Robert Kocharyan was in office and
the same continues under Serge Sargsyan. Any propaganda trick applied
in Russia is copied in Armenia if not by 100 but at least by 70-80
percent. This means that the day when the Armenian president liberates
the fish from the nets in Lake Sevan is drawing nearer. Who knows,
our fish may turn out to be cleverer and will not wait until the
day when those responsible of the propaganda will understand that
fish must jump into the boat to thank their liberator. Our fish may
present their own initiative, especially considering the fact that
the Armenian new government promotes initiatives so they will jump
into the boat to thank the Armenian president.

It would be good, touching, encouraging and maybe the citizens
too, like the fish, will wish to hug the president. But it would be
better for the presidents of those countries where there is so-called
"sovereign democracy" to govern so that to eliminate poaching and not
to take boats to struggle personally against it. There are a lot of
bodies engaged in this job and a lot of workers. And this goes for all
the propaganda tricks which the "fathers" of the "sovereign democracy"
use to appear like kind "tsars". If they are surrounded by idle and
corrupt people they had better release the citizens from these people
instead of planting flowers and freeing fish. It would be better for
both the citizens and the fish for the flora and fauna.
