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Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Pledge Continued Support For Karabakh Inde


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Sep 2, 2009

WASHINGTON-U.S. Reps. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk
(R-IL), Co-Chairmen of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues,
congratulated the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic on the 18th anniversary
of its independence on Wednesday, praising the country’s democratic
progress and pledging their commitment to continue working for its
international recognition.

"We have stood with you along your path to liberty and we continue
to join you in the call for formal international recognition of
your independence," the co-chairs said in a congratulatory letter to
Karabakh Republic President Bako Sahakian. "We look forward to the
day when we can join you in celebration of the flag of an independent
Artsakh proudly flying in capitals all over the world."

"On September 2, 1991 the people of Karabakh declared their
intention to build a free and democratic state, and they have been
steadfast in this mission," the letter said, praising that the
young republic’s ongoing promotion of democracy and the right to
self-determination. "This historic day represents another important
milestone in Nagorno-Karabakh’s path to freedom."

"Your continued efforts to advance theses principals in the face of
many challenges are admirable," the Kirk and Pallone said, adding
that they continued to support "the restoration of Artsakh’s war-torn
economy, strengthening its democracy and creating a solid foundation
for continued development and prosperity."

Praising Karabakh’s ongoing protection of the "universal values of
freedom, peace, and democracy," the two co-chairs expressed their
appreciation for Karabakh’s "ongoing contribution to regional
stability" and assured President Sahakian of their "continued
dedication to Artsakh’s security and development."

Nalchajian Markos:
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