Armenian Leader Says Karabakh Conflict Has No Quick Solution


Sept 1 2009

Yerevan, 1 September. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan commented
today on the process of the Nagornyy-Karabakh conflict settlement.

Mediamax reports that speaking at the meeting with heads of Armenia’s
diplomatic missions [abroad] and the central staff of the Foreign
Ministry, Serzh Sargsyan noted that talks with Azerbaijan through
the mediation of OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs "are going on within the
framework of apparent and clear logic".

The president reminded that within the past 18 months, six meetings had
been held with the Azerbaijani president, the Meiendorf Declaration had
been signed, the leaders of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries
had made a joint statement, and, consequently, the mediators had
published the basic outlines of the Madrid principles.

"The publication of these principles has showed that we have never
said lies and never misled our people concerning issues being discussed
at the negotiations", Serzh Sargsyan said.

The president added that he understood what was the root of the
concern voiced by some circles in Armenia and Artsakh [Nagornyy
Karabakh]. "The issue of Artsakh is the sacred issue, for which
thousands of our compatriots gave their lives and for the sake of
this issue we are experiencing difficulties. However, that is one of
the proud pages of our history," Serzh Sargsian said.

The president told heads of Armenia’s diplomatic missions to inform
officials of countries they are accredited to that "the settlement
of Karabakh conflict is not a matter of days, weeks, and months".

"Everyone should understand clearly that the sides are carrying out
talks only around some principles of settlement. Even if an agreement
is reached on these principles, many other principles remain open,
and then – the peace agreement itself. This is a process that requires
great work," Serzh Sargsian stated.

The president said that ensuring Nagornyy Karabakh’s security and
obtaining correct understanding on the part of the international
community were a priority task now.

"In this conflict, the Armenian people was a nation fighting for its
freedom and survival, and no-one has the right to describe Artsakh
that has won the right to exist as an ‘aggressor’. Our answer to this
should always be firm, confident, and convincing," Serzh Sargsian said.