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Congratulatory Messages On Independence Day


11:58 am | September 02, 2009


Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan issued a congratulatory message on
the 18th anniversary of Nagorno-Karabakh’s Independence. The message
says in part,

Dear compatriots,

Let me congratulate you on Independence Day of the Nagorno-Karabakh

The last 18 years reaffirmed the unambiguousness of the historic
decision of 1991. Today the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is an established
state with its structures, army and people mastering their fortunes
on their own.

Thanks to Artsakh, today we have a modern republic meeting the
ideals of freedom, sovereignty and democracy, a republic which,
regardless of all objective and artificial obstacle and ordeals,
continues thriving and booming the country’s economy and culture. The
Republic of Armenia and the Armenian people have always supported
and will keep supporting Artsakh.

I assure all Armenians and Artsakhi people that any solution to the
Karabakh conflict peaceful resolution will be based on the consent
of Karabakhi people.

Dear Artsakhi people,

For this day we owe to the fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives
for the liberation of their homeland.

Bowing to their tombs I congratulate you on this glorious day and
wish you prosperity and happiness.

Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Hovik Abrahamyan also issued a
congratulatory message on Karabakh’s Independence Day.

"Dear Compatriots,

I warmly congratulate you on the occasion of the 18th Anniversary of
Independence of NKR, one of the most significant holidays symbolizing
the achievements of Armenians.

We bow our heads for the memory of those who dedicated their lives to
the independence of Artsakh, we are to be more obliged and realize the
main pledge for a peaceful life of our people, creation and success
is in the continuous unity.

I wish happiness, strength and vigor to all the Armenians and the
Armenians in Artsakh, having earned the right of their independence,
and to all of us I wish a united will and purposefulness in realizing
the defense and strengthening of Artsakh, raising the welfare for
Armenians and for realizing Armenian national goals," runs the message.

Varosian Antranik:
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