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"Do Not Get Offended"


08:30 pm | September 02, 2009


The Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutyun held a rally at
Yerevan’s Charles Aznavour Square at 6:30 September 2.

"Don’t get offended. Our divergence is not connected with persons
signing the Protocols. We would raise a similar wave of protest if
the Protocols were signed by Armenia’s first and second presidents,"
ARF Leader Vahan Hovhannisyan announced during today’s rally.

Despite the heavy rain, people gathered at the square to voice protest
against August 31 Protocols between Armenia and Turkey.

They were carrying posters, "Artsakh is a part of Armenia," "Armenian
spirit will not surrender," "No concessions to Turkey!"

In his addressing speech, ARF member Gegham Manukyan congratulated
the ralliers on Karabakh’s independence.

Leader of the ARF parliamentary faction Vahan Hovhannisyan read out
the Protocols and criticized Armenia’s foreign policy.

Mr. Hovhannisyan thinks Armenia has diverted from security norms.

He also thanked the presentees for confiding in the Party and ralling
at Aznavour Square.

The meeting ended at 8:00.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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