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Sargsyan On NKR 18th Anniversary


Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
Sept 2 2009

"Any peaceful resolution of Karabakh conflict will be reached
primarily on consent and expression of free will by NKR people,"
RA President Serzh Sargsyan’s message on the 18th anniversary of NKR
independence reads.

"Today Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is an established state with its
structures, army and the foremost — citizens who independently
determine their destiny. Presently, we, like all international
community see a modern state, that puts into practice freedom,
sovereignty and democracy principles. Under all objective and
non-objective obstacles and facing hardships, it undergoes progress,
develops economy and culture, as well as maintains the peace," the
message says.

According to Sargsyan, Armenia and the whole Diaspora have always
been and always be the anchorage for Artsakh. "We owe this day to
those who belong to the ages, who made supreme sacrifices at the altar
of their motherland and liberty. I pay court to their tombs and once
again congratulate you with this bright holiday. I wish you wellbeing,
happiness and fortitude," Sargsyan concluded.

Toganian Liana:
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