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Arf Europe: ‘Not To The Compromisings Of The Armenian Authorities’

Jean Eckian

15:58:17 – 03/09/2009

Mourad Papazian, chairman of ARF Dachnaktsutyun/Western Europe,
launches a shout of alarm: ‘ The Armenian cause is in danger, Karabakh
is in danger, authorities of Armenia will make the greatest political
error since Armenia’s independence . ‘ Precise Papazian: ‘ To react,
it is not to criticize Armenia. It is to take part in the safeguard
of avenir.’ For him, ‘ the Armenian authorities seem ready with
all compromisings with Turkish State to obtain the normalization
of the diplomatic relations and the opening of the borders between
the two countries. Compromising on the question of the Armenian
genocide. Compromising on the question of the rights of the Armenian
people. Compromising on the question of Karabakh. ‘

The fact even as the ‘ two States decide to create a structure in
responsibility of study, re-study, open or to reopen the files relating
to the ‘ events ‘ from 1915 ‘, constitutes for its eyes ‘ that what was
an indisputable asset, not only for the Armenians but for the score
of States and the community of the researchers – specialized in the
genocide who recognized the Armenian genocide, today is potentially
called into question, including by the Armenian government. This is
an hard blow carried to the Armenian cause. A considerable retreat. A
formidable victory of the Turkish diplomacy. ‘ , he said.

In addition, chairman Papazian stresses the ‘ renouncement of the
Armenian authorities have regard of the territorial claims. ‘ In the
name of what? In the name of which? ‘ he says. Adding: ‘ The Armenian
government, its Foreign Minister, as well as the President of the
Republic do not have the right to speak in the name of the Armenian
nation, without preliminary consultation, precise mandate of the
Armenian people. The decision of the Armenian authorities concerns
political irresponsibility and is stripped of any legitimacy. […] It
is absolutely necessary that the President of the Republic organizes
a side-Armenian dialogue, consults the communities throughout the
world, the large international Armenian organizations, the Armenian
political parties. The fracture between the authorities of Armenia,
including its diaspora, is imminente.’ Mourad Papazian concluded its
warning statement by a call to the representatives from the Armenian
nation so that ‘ a position truly representative of all the Armenian
people is adopted. ‘ ‘ It would be inadmissible that it is Turkey
which divides the Nation armenienne.’ , he said.

Karapetian Hovik:
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