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Armenian Leader On Need Of ‘Regional Language’ In Javakheti


Civil Georgia
Sept 4 2009

Giving to the Armenian language a status of "regional language"
in pre-dominantly ethnic Armenian-populated region of Javakheti,
along with some other steps, will help "to strengthen friendship"
between the two countries, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said.

In a speech, transcript of which is posted on the Armenian President’s
website, at a meeting with Armenian diplomats on September 1,
Sargsyan outlined his country’s foreign policy priorities and said
that Yerevan would continue "mutually beneficial" relations with two
of its immediate neighbors – Georgia and Iran.

"We should take serious efforts to provide assistance to the Armenian
community of Georgia," he said while speaking about relations with

"Logic of our policy toward Javakhk [Javakheti] should rest on
the principle of ‘integration without assimilation’. In this case,
integration should presume strengthening of the Armenians in Georgia
as dignified and respected citizens of that country. I believe that
recognition of the Armenian as a regional language [in Javakheti],
registration of the Armenian Apostolic Church, steps to protect
Armenian monuments in Georgia will only strengthen Armenian-Georgian
friendship and enhance the atmosphere of mutual trust," Sargsyan said.

"We should take a delicate approach to all of these issues, but
[should] also be persistent and principled," he added.

The Armenian President also said that Yerevan continued "political
dialogue" with Georgian on "the highest level". He praised "intensive
works" on building of Gyumri-Akhaltsikhe-Batumi road, which he said,
would ease Armenia’s access to the Black Sea.

Zaminian Bedik:
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