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Agents of Russian Imperialism


16:07:28 – 04/09/2009


I have repeatedly expressed the opinion that the Russian Caucasian
policy has crucial consequences for the destiny of the Armenian
nation. The regular proof of this idea is the Armenian and Turkish
protocols released on August 31. Many political forces voiced their
dissatisfaction in connection with the points of the protocols but no
one had the courage to show that Russia stands behind this national
betrayal. Even if the Armenian government with the lips of the foreign
minister states that there is no word about the agreement of Kars in
these protocols, nevertheless, the betraying essence of these
documents does not change first, the Kars agreement is not mentioned
because the point is not about only one, but two, three
agreements. Second, the agreement of Kars alone is a document of no
force without the Russian-Turkish agreement of Moscow in 1921
consequently, the sides did not consider expedient to mention all the
agreements in these protocols. Recall until the Russian-Turkish
agreement signed on March 16, 1921 is in effect, Armenia and Turkey
cannot conclude any other document of any other content other than the
Kars agreement. Sure, the new pact may be called not agreement of Kars
but agreement of Sarighamish or Alashkert, but the old and initial
content of the agreement does not change. The proof of this is one of
the most important points of the Russian-Turkish agreement:

Article 15: Russia is obliged to make steps towards Sub Caucasian
countries to ensure the recognition of those articles of this document
which concern it during the signing of other documents between these
countries and Turkey.

So far, the 1921 Russian-Turkish document has not been declared
invalid either by Russia or by Turkey. Moreover, in 1996 Yeltsin and
Demirell celebrated the 75th anniversary of this agreement.

The mutual visits of Putin and Erdogan show that Russia and Turkey
treat seriously this agreement and according to the Article 15 Russia
forces the Armenian government to recognize all the anti-Armenian
articles during its negotiations with Turkey. Underline that apart
form the 1 and 3 Articles of the agreement of Moscow on giving
Nachijevan to Azerbaijan and Kars to Turkey, there is another
interesting article regarding Armenia and the Armenian nation: the
Article 8 (article 10 in the agreement of Kars). This article regards
all the Armenian patriots and is directly connected with the destiny
of all the political prisoners in 1960s arrested for patriotic
activities. Even the members of the National United party who were
arrested for the Armenian independence are partially victims of the
Russian-Turkish Moscow agreement and those who led their activities
without anti-soviet stances and strive for independence are the
victims of the article 8. And if such people as Razmik Zohrabyan,
Vazgen Karakhanyan are close to the plate of the government and do not
remember about the struggle to return the region of Kars, the region
of Nakhijevan have to be against the Russian-Turkish agreement only
because this article imprisons them. Otherwise, they would become such
accomplishers of Russia who judged Armenian patriots on the grounds of
the Russian-Turkish agreement. The way they were judged on grounds of
agreements signed by their ancestors the new generations will be
judged by the agreement signed by them. Let us cite the article 8 of
this agreement:

Article 8: the sides are obliged to forbid the creation and the
existence of such organizations and groups which have pretensions to
become heads of the other country or a part of its territory, as well
as the sides are obliged to forbid the creation and the existence of
such groups the aim of which is to struggle against the other
country. Russia and Turkey with mutual agreement assume the same
obligation in connection with the rest of the Caucasian Soviet

As we have already mentioned, this article 8 of the Russian-Turkish
Moscow agreement is also included in the Kars agreement as article 10.

Let us reiterate that until the Russian-Turkish agreement of 1921 is
in effect with its article 15, Armenia cannot establish any equal in
rights relations with Turkey. Nevertheless, I think we have to
establish this kind of relations with Turkey exceptionally based on UN
relevant conventions.

Under these conditions, I propose freezing the Armenian and Turkish
negotiations for an indeterminate period. I appeal to the ARF
Dashnaktsutyun and the Heritage. If you really want to destroy the
Armenian and Turkish negotiations which are dictated by the Russian
imperialism present your legal initiative to the National Assembly
with the following demands:

1. The Republic of Armenia condemns the Russian Soviet government for
its crimes against people and humans and recognizes it as an empire of

2. The Republic of Armenia condemns the Communistic party of the
Soviet Union and recognizes it as a criminal organization against

3. The Republic of Armenia considers the Russian-Turkish (Lenin-Kemal)
agreement signed by the Russian communistic government on March 16,
1921 as a crime against humanity.

4. The republic of Armenia considers the Soviet-German
Ribentrop-Molotov agreement signed by the Russian communistic
government in 1939 as a crime again humanity.

5. The National Assembly of Armenia appeals to the three Baltic
countries as well as the legislative body of Poland proposing to
recognize as a crime against humanity the Russian-Turkish agreement in
1921 (Lenin-Kemal) and the Soviet-German agreement in 1939
(Ribentrop-Molotov) and struggle in relevant international structures
for their recognition.

Kamalian Hagop:
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