Khachatur Sukiasian is released

Khachatur Sukiasian is released

08:41 pm | September 04, 2009 | Politics

Armenian opposition parliamentarian Khachatur Sukiasian has been
released with a written cognizance not to leave the country.

On September 4, 2009, the Special Investigation Service considered the
restraint against Armenian MP Khachatur Sukiasian charged with calls
for mass disorder on March 1, 2008.

Taking into consideration the fact that the fugitive MP who had been
in search since March 5, 2008, gave himself up on September 2, 2009,
the pre-trial body decided to review his restraint and change the
detention by a written undertaking not to leave the country.

Khachatur Sukiasian was set free on September 4, 2009.