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Prosperous Armenia: Normalization of relations may become stimulus

Prosperous Armenia party: Normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations
without preconditions may become stimulus to change public conscious in

2009-09-05 19:01:00

ArmInfo. Normalizaiton of the Armenian-Turkish relations without
preconditions may become a stimulus to change the public conscious in
Turkey, the statement by the political Council of Prosperous party of
Armenia says. According to the document, the party’s approaches, which
also lay at the root of Armenia’s foreign policy, have been reflected
in the protocols, published on August 31, on establishment of
diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey and development of
bilateral relations. ‘The fact that there s no mention of Nagorno
Karabakh conflict in the protocols is acceptable for us’, the statement

According to document, the positive aspects are also contained in the
proposal about creation of an intergovernmental commission which will
allow to discuss all the difficult problems in the Armenian- Turkish
relations, including the issue of the Armenian Genocide recognition by
Turkey, at a high level.

To recall, Armenia and Turkey have agreed to start internal political
consultations around the "Protocol on Establishment of Diplomatic
Relations Between the Two Countries" and the "Protocol on Development
of Bilateral Relations" signed during the negotiations under the Swiss
mediation. It is scheduled to complete the political consultations
during six weeks, after which two protocols will be signed and
submitted to the two countries’ parliaments for approval.

Tvankchian Parkev:
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